andHTML5标签WHATWG | 软件工程 2022-04-28 247 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
HTML5 简介
HTML5 草案以前称为 Web Applications 1.0。 2004年由WHATWG提出,2007年被W3C接受,并成立了新的HTML工作组。 2008 年 1 月 22 日,第一个正式草案发布,预计将于 2010 年 9 月正式向公众推荐。WHATWG 表示,该规范正在制定中,还有很多年的时间。
HTML5 提供了一些新的元素和属性,例如 <nav>(网站导航块)和 <footer>。 此标签将有助于搜索引擎索引,同时更好地帮助小屏幕设备和视障人士,此外还为其他浏览元素提供新功能,例如 <audio> 和 <video> 标记。
一些过时的 HTML4 标签将被删除。 这些包括纯粹的显示效果标签,如 <font> 和 <center>,它们已被 CSS 取代。
<视频> 标签

(HTML5 from introduction to mastery -- a Chinese learning tutorialIntroduction to HTML5The HTML5 draft was formerly known as web applications 1.0. It was proposed by whatwg in 2004, accepted by W3C in 2007, and a new HTML working group was established. The first formal draft was released on January 22, 2008 and is expected to be officially recommended to the public in September 2010. Whatwg said that the specification is under development and there are still many years to go.new labelHTML5 provides some new elements and attributes, such as < NAV > (website navigation block) and < footer >. This tag will help search engines index and better help small screen devices and visually impaired people. In addition, it also provides new features for other browsing elements, such as < audio > and < video > tags.Some outdated html4 tags will be deleted. They are replaced by < center > and < CSS >.< video > tab)


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