软件工程 2022-04-28 234 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
前面讲HTTP协议的时候,我们严格遵循HTTP的“请求-响应”模型。 协议中只有两个角色相互通信,即“请求者”浏览器(客户端)和“响应者”服务器。
今天,我们将为此模型引入一个新角色,即 HTTP 代理。
引入HTTP代理之后,原本简单的两方通信变得更加复杂,增加了一个或多个中间人,但整体上还是一个有顺序关系的链条,两个相邻的角色在 链条还是很简单的。 一对一沟通,不会出现越级情况。

(When we talked about the HTTP protocol earlier, we strictly followed the "request response" model of HTTP. In the protocol, only two roles communicate with each other, namely the "requester" browser (client) and the "responder" server.Today, we will introduce a new role for this model, HTTP proxy.After the introduction of HTTP proxy, the original simple two-party communication becomes more complex, adding one or more intermediaries, but on the whole, it is still a chain with sequential relationship, and the chain of two adjacent roles is still very simple. One to one communication, there will be no overstepping.)

