Extand窗体本书 | 软件工程 2022-04-27 297 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书是《体验Ext JS》的第二版,涵盖了EXT 3x的新特性,是对上一版的补充。 本书详细介绍了EXT事件、核心组件、窗体和窗体等控件、树形结构、拖放、弹出窗口、布局、数据存储和传输以及实用工具。 每个知识点都有对应的,可操作性强,补充了两个强大的例子,增加了如何优化基于EXT的应用程序,提高加载速度,如何创建用户扩展组件,常用的第三方扩展。

(This book is the second edition of experiencing ext JS, which covers the new features of ext 3x and is a supplement to the previous edition. This book introduces ext events, core components, forms, forms and other controls, tree structure, drag and drop, pop-up windows, layout, data storage and transmission, and practical tools in detail. Each knowledge point has corresponding and strong operability. Two powerful examples are added, including how to optimize the application based on ext, improve the loading speed, how to create user extension components and common third-party extensions.This book is suitable for all web developers.)


上一篇:《零基础学 Javascript 》.pdf