pagesWebthe网页 | 软件工程 2022-04-26 267 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书提供了一种学习这个熟悉主题的新方法:如何创建当今存在的网页,以及如何在可预见的未来创建它们。仅使用 HTML 代码编写网页的日子已经一去不复返了。随着Web技术的发展,为了创建有效且有吸引力的Web页面,开发人员需要学习很多技术。本书回顾了 HTML,还介绍了如何使用 XHTML 构建网页以及用于控制页面外观的层叠样式表 (CSS)。
本书通过一些典型示例探讨了 Web 浏览器的演变,以及它如何反映 Web 页面的开发方式。读者将学习如何利用浏览器的最新功能,以及如何确保您创建的页面可以在较旧但仍在使用的浏览器中运行。此外,读者将学习如何为许多能够访问网页的设备编写页面。通过结合可用性和可访问性,开发人员将能够编写包含最新技术的漂亮、专业编码的网页。

(This book provides a new way to learn this familiar topic: how to create web pages that exist today and how to create them in the foreseeable future. Gone are the days when web pages were written using only HTML code. With the development of web technology, developers need to learn a lot of technology in order to create effective and attractive web pages. This book reviews HTML. It also introduces how to use XHTML to build web pages and cascading style sheets (CSS) to control the appearance of pages.Through some typical examples, this book discusses the evolution of web browser and how it reflects the development mode of web pages. Readers will learn how to take advantage of the latest features of the browser and how to ensure that the pages you create can run in older browsers that are still in use. In addition, readers will learn how to write pages for many devices that can access web pages. By combining usability and accessibility, developers will be able to write beautiful, professionally coded web pages with the latest technology.)


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