(This book is the latest version of JavaScript super bestseller. ECMAScript 5 and HTMLs both won the battle for standards, formalizing many proprietary implementations and client-side extensions into the specification, while adding many new future oriented features to JavaScript. In addition to adding five chapters, this edition also has substantive additions and modifications to other chapters, accounting for about one third of the total. Starting from the various components of JavaScript language implementation - language core, DOM, BOM and event model, the book discusses object-oriented programming, Ajax and comet server-side communication, HTMLs forms, media, canvas (including webgl) and web workers. New APIs for geolocation, cross document messaging, client storage (including indexeddb), and the introduction of offline applications and best development practices related to maintenance, performance, and deployment. The appendix of this book looks forward to the future API and ECMAScript harmony specifications.This book is suitable for web application developers with certain programming experience. It can also be used as teaching materials for relevant professional courses and social practical technology training in Colleges and universities.)