windowslinux使用批量 | 易语言编程 2022-04-23 195 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
支持windows/linux(一键连接)windows使用远程桌面协议,linux调用putty,非常方便。 使用了一年多没有任何错误,期间做了很多优化:时间过期显示、批量ping检测、使用rc4的密码加密和硬盘序列号加密,请下载纯IP数据库 qqwry.dat 放到目录下。

(Support Windows / Linux (one click connection). Windows uses remote desktop protocol, and Linux calls putty, which is very convenient. It has been used for more than a year without any errors. During this period, many optimizations have been made: time expiration display, batch Ping detection, password encryption using RC4 and hard disk serial number encryption. Please download the pure IP database QQwry Put dat in the directory.)


