thecode加速二维码 | 前端开发 2022-04-22 162 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
源码调用官方接口,所有协议本地化,不引用第三方。 最初由@sinking 贡献,任何人都可以在非商业情况下调用这个接口。 如有商业行为,后果自负。



使用悦动线圈接口,扫码秒速加速。如果加速度不符合规定的限制,请等待 24 小时重新提交




(This source code calls the official interface. All protocols are localized and do not refer to third parties. Initially contributed by @ sinking, anyone can call this interface in a non-commercial situation. If there is any business behavior, the consequences shall be borne by yourself.Micro vision scanning code second acceleration, only need to scan the code once, do not change the password, and automatically accelerate every dayThe housekeeper scans the code and increases the speed by seconds. You only need to scan the code once. If you don't change your password, it will accelerate automatically every day. You can view the effect 30 minutes after scanning the code.Second speed acceleration of mobile game code scanningUse the Yuedong coil interface to scan the code and accelerate the speed of seconds. If the acceleration does not meet the specified limit, please wait 24 hours to resubmitWhen you use this acceleration, you agree to use your own cookie to help others scan visitors, and other users will also scan QR codes for you. In order to avoid malicious card swiping, each QQ QR code is limited to 10 minutes.Log in to the PC to scan the code and increase the speed. There may be a risk of jamming. Please open the device lockLog in to the PC and hang up for two hours. There may be a risk of jamming. Please open the device lock)



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