二维码Thegroupcode | 前端开发 2022-04-22 175 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
微信群二维码直播码工具,生成微信群二维码码,可以随时切换二维码! 微信官方群二维码有效期为7天。 过期后无法扫二维码进群,或者群达到200人后无法扫二维码进群。 如果我们推广的时候群已经满或者过期了,其他人还是会想进群,我们会损失很多推广效果,所以有了群直播码,不用换链接就可以切换扫码后显示的内容 和二维码,灵活变化!
只需要修改MySql.php的数据库配置和后台账号的密码即可。 默认后台账号为admin,密码为admin123456。 您还需要将 qun_huoma.sql 导入数据库。

(Wechat group QR code live code tool generates wechat group QR code, which can be switched at any time! The QR code of wechat official group is valid for 7 days. After the expiration date, the QR code cannot be scanned into the group, or the QR code cannot be scanned into the group after the group reaches 200 people. If the group is full or expired when we promote, others will still want to join the group, and we will lose a lot of promotion effect. Therefore, with the group live broadcast code, you can switch the content and QR code displayed after scanning the code without changing the link, which can be changed flexibly!You only need to modify mysql PHP database configuration and background account password. The default background account is admin and the password is admin123456. You also need to put Qun_ huoma. Import SQL into the database.)


