painting工笔画国画Traditional | 图形图像处理 2022-04-21 237 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
国画具有浓郁的古典美。 如果将这些元素运用到摄影作品中,就能形成独特的意境。 工笔画作为国画的代表题材,一直深受大众喜爱。 近年来,民族风盛行。 很多朋友喜欢将照片后期处理成细致的绘画效果,以鲜艳、强烈、厚重、淡雅的色彩为主要特点。

(Traditional Chinese painting has a strong classical beauty. If these elements are applied to photographic works, a unique artistic conception can be formed. As a representative subject of traditional Chinese painting, meticulous painting has always been loved by the public. In recent years, ethnic ethos has prevailed. Many friends like to post process photos into detailed painting effects, which are mainly characterized by bright, strong, thick and elegant colors.)



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