软件测试测试Thesoftware | 软件工程 2022-04-20 274 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
《谷歌软件测试之道》让您以业内人士的视角了解这家全球领先的互联网公司如何应对 21 世纪软件测试的独特挑战。 《软件测试之道》抓住了测试的精髓和谷歌测试这个时代最复杂的软件的精髓。 《软件测试之道》描述了测试方案,揭示了测试架构是如何设计、实现和运行的,介绍了软件测试工程师的角色; 解释技术测试人员应具备的技术技能; 解释了测试工程师在产品生命周期中的职责; 谈论测试管理和对在测试历史或主要产品上发挥重要作用的工程师的采访,这对那些试图建立类似的测试流程或团队的人来说是非常有益的。

("The way of Google software testing" allows you to understand how the world's leading Internet company responds to the unique challenges of software testing in the 21st century from the perspective of insiders. The way of software testing captures the essence of testing and Google testing, the most complex software in the era. The role of software engineer is described, and how to test the architecture and implementation of software is introduced; Explain the technical skills that technical testers should have; Explain the responsibilities of test engineers in product life cycle; Talk about test management and interviews with engineers who play an important role in test history or major products, which is very useful for those who try to establish similar test processes or teams.)


