SecuritySoftware安全development | 软件工程 2022-04-20 222 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
《从源头上的软件安全》由机械工业出版社出版。 Software Security: From the Source 适用于任何对企业级软件安全感兴趣的人,包括产品安全和质量主管、软件安全架构师、安全顾问、软件开发工程师、企业 SDLC 项目经理、首席信息安全官、首席技术官和首席信息官 隐私官。 如果您想了解软件安全是如何在企业级软件开发过程中实现的,《软件安全:从源头》是一本必看的书,它解释了什么是人为控制和管理的安全软件开发过程。 ,给出了一种基于经验的方法来构建一个有用的安全软件开发模型来处理安全问题和解决安全软件开发模型中的安全问题。

("Software security from the source" is published by the machinery industry press. Software security: from the source is suitable for anyone interested in enterprise software security, including product security and quality director, software security architect, security consultant, software development engineer, enterprise SDLC project manager, chief information security officer, chief technology officer and chief information privacy officer. If you want to know how software security is realized in the process of enterprise software development, "software security: from the source" is a must read book, which explains what is the human controlled and managed security software development process, This paper presents an empirical method to build a useful security software development model to deal with security problems and solve the security problems in the security software development model.)


