摄影师photographer一名and | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 222 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
《帮助你成长为摄影师的50个实践:如何成为一名摄影师》是著名摄影师刘宽新先生继《数码影像专业课程》、《数码影像专业锐化》和《数码影像核心概念与重点》系列文章 技术”之后的第 4 本书。 《帮助你成长为摄影师的50个实践:如何成为一名摄影师》结合了作者40多年的教学和演讲经验以及多年的数字图像评估经验。 从全国摄影艺术展评委的所见所闻开始),聚焦50个阻碍摄影爱好者和摄影师成长的核心话题,助你轻松跨过摄影成长之路的50个台阶 .

("50 practices to help you grow into a photographer: how to become a photographer" is the fourth book of the famous photographer Mr. Liu Kuanxin after the "digital image professional course", "digital image professional sharpening" and "digital image core concepts and key" series of articles and techniques ". "50 practices to help you grow into a photographer: how to become a photographer" combines the author's more than 40 years of teaching and speaking experience and many years of digital image evaluation experience. From what the judges of the national photography art exhibition have seen and heard), focus on 50 core topics that hinder the growth of photography lovers and photographers, and help you easily cross 50 steps of the road of photography growth)


