and我们the问题 | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 236 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
每天晚上睡觉前,你脑海中浮现的最后一个念头是什么?你是否觉得生活在漫长的日复一日中很无聊,但在某个时刻却又活又好斗?在爱情、工作和日常生活的哪个时刻,你感到如此坚定?有没有一刻觉得自己如此软弱无力?你对未来最好的愿景是什么? ...本书试图描述这些问题并给出一些答案。但每个人都有不同的答案。你呢?你有什么问题?把它们写下来,十年后,二十年后,看看时间会如何告诉你。 11 篇触动数百万读者的短篇小说。你有没有想过如何解决你现在生活中的问题?你对此有何回答?邝福尧准确捕捉到了现代社会人们最关心的问题:爱情、家庭、事业、奋斗、房子、老年等等。这些问题、对话和想法来自我们周围的每个人,也来自我们自己。故事描述了我们此刻最真实的想法和直觉,也触动了我们内心最柔软的角落。正是这些真理和感动,让每一个故事都出现在银幕上。因为我们无法摆脱这个时代。

(What is the last thought that comes to mind before you go to bed every night? Do you find life boring day after day, but alive and aggressive at some point? When do you feel so determined in love, work and daily life? Do you feel so weak for a moment? What is your best vision for the future This book attempts to describe these questions and give some answers. But everyone has different answers. what about you? What's your problem? Write them down and see how time will tell you in ten or twenty years. 11 short stories that touched millions of readers. Have you ever thought about how to solve the problems in your life now? What's your answer? Kuang Fuyao accurately captured the issues that people are most concerned about in modern society: love, family, career, struggle, house, old age and so on. These questions, conversations and ideas come from everyone around us and from ourselves. The story describes our most real thoughts and intuition at the moment, and also touches the softest corner of our hearts. It is these truths and feelings that make every story appear on the screen. Because we can't get rid of this era.)



上一篇:《你不是失败 只是差一点成功》