photographythe摄影exposure | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 202 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
好的构图可以使照片呈现出非常具有视觉冲击力的场景,可以生动地讲述一个完整的故事。通过艺术性地安排画框的各个部分,摄影师可以用自己的技巧和创造力来影响画框的表达。 《拍好照片的摄影构图48个关键技巧》将初学者入门所需的构图知识分为48条摄影规则,一一设计为有趣的阅读方法,读者可以像游戏一样突破,逐级挑战更好地掌握每一种摄影构图技巧,创作出更多创意作品。

      光线和曝光是摄影的先决条件。在拍照之前,有很多技术问题需要解决,而第一个需要解决的问题就是光线。没有光线,没有适当的曝光,就没有好的摄影作品。 《49个摄影曝光拍出好照片的关键技巧》将初学者摄影入门所需的曝光知识分为49条摄影规则,设计为一种有趣的阅读方法,读者可以像游戏一样突破,挑战关卡水平更好地掌握每一种摄影曝光技术,创造出更具创意的光影杰作。从光线特性和曝光设置开始,逐步系统地描述摄影曝光。

(Good composition can make the photos present a very visual impact scene and vividly tell a complete story. By artistically arranging the various parts of the frame, the photographer can use his skills and creativity to influence the expression of the frame. The 48 key techniques of photography composition for taking good photos divides the composition knowledge required for beginners into 48 photography rules, which are designed as interesting reading methods one by one. Readers can break through like a game, challenge step by step, better master each photography composition skill and create more creative works.Light and exposure are prerequisites for photography. Before taking photos, there are many technical problems to be solved, and the first problem to be solved is light. Without light and proper exposure, there is no good photography. The key skills of 49 photographic exposures to take good photos divides the exposure knowledge required for beginners to get started with photography into 49 photography rules. It is designed as an interesting reading method. Readers can break through like a game, challenge the level, better master each photographic exposure technology and create more creative light and shadow masterpieces. Starting with the light characteristics and exposure settings, the photographic exposure is described step by step and systematically.)


