案例casesPythonpractical | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 185 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书案例实用,如校园网搜索引擎、小翻译、百度图片爬虫等案例,稍加修改即可应用于实际项目; 还有通过微信通讯协议开发微信机器人、机器学习的文本分类、基于卷积神经网络的手写识别等案例,以及一些知名的游戏案例,如连连看、推箱子、中国象棋、 在线五子棋、两人麻将、人物拼图、飞机战争游戏等。学习Python语言很有趣。

(The cases in this book are practical, such as campus network search engine, small translation, baidu image crawler and other cases, which can be applied to practical projects with a little modification; There are also cases of wechat robot development through wechat communication protocol, text classification of machine learning, handwriting recognition based on convolutional neural network, and some well-known game cases, such as lianlianliankan, push box, Chinese chess, online Gobang, two person mahjong, character collage, aircraft war games, etc. Learning Python is fun.)

