theandoperation运营 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-19 299 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
教程共有 7 个部分。 它从平台机制入手,进入抖音,再深入底层逻辑,向你公布开号的运营方式和方法,细化运营的内容规划,无论是定位还是变现。 登陆的各种实现细节,都在这7个教程里。 看完后,仔细思考,把所学付诸实践,一步一个脚印地往前走,跟着老师的进步,就不会太差。

(This tutorial has seven parts. It starts with tiktok mechanism, enters the jitter, and goes deep into the underlying logic, announces the operation mode and method of opening the number to you, and refines the content planning of operation, whether it is positioning or cash in. Various implementation details of login are in these 7 tutorials. After reading, think carefully, put what you have learned into practice, move forward step by step, and follow the teacher's progress, it won't be too bad.)


