流量trafficand如何 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-19 230 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
课程针对抖音直播账号启动底层逻辑方法,如何精准标注账号,教你如何打开流量入口增加流量,针对不同产品定制不同启动方式,匹配人群 和货,以及如何在不浪费流量的情况下抓流量,然后是主播团队的建设,薪酬建设与设计,直播间测试+爆款打造,直播间布局,设备需求,如何突破流量瓶颈, 用付费流量撬动免费流量,而豆家、FFED、钱川以及建模和基本投放逻辑,抖音店铺规则关键点的解答,如何复习改进+突破都一一讲解。

(The tiktok starts the underlying logic method for the live voice account, how to accurately label accounts, teach you how to open traffic entrance, increase traffic, customize different startup ways for different products, match crowd and goods, and how to catch traffic without wasting traffic. Then, it is the construction of anchor team, salary construction and design, testing of live room + explosive money, layout of live broadcast, equipment demand, how to break through traffic bottleneck. Prying free traffic with paid traffic, and tiktok, FFED, Qian Chuan and modeling and basic logic, the key points of the jitter shop rules, how to review and improve + break are explained.)


