operation运营profitability盈利 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-19 212 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
课程内容从互联网+商业转型与思维转型,转型的盈利能力和盈利能力升级入手。 升级有六个维度。 三大市场包括消费市场、创业市场和资本市场。 三大利润空间包括产品和服务(利润)。 )、模式商机(赋能)、股权融资(金融)、九大盈利运营能力:团队运营、资源运营、价值运营、客户运营、渠道运营、多元化盈利、引流运营、互利体系等。 第 29 节。

(The course content starts with internet plus business transformation and thinking transformation, profitability and profitability upgrading of transformation. The upgrade has six dimensions. The three major markets include consumer market, entrepreneurial market and capital market. The three profit margins include products and services (profit) Model business opportunities (empowerment), equity financing (Finance), nine profitability operation capabilities: team operation, resource operation, value operation, customer operation, channel operation, diversified profitability, drainage operation, mutually beneficial system, etc. Section 29.)


