宇宙universethe现在 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-18 228 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
真正的元宇宙产品可能还需要几年的时间,但它并不排除我们现在赚钱。 市面上很多元宇宙课程只是概念普及,但这个课程的角度是“现在”赚钱,现在开始接触元宇宙圈子,上车元界,打造未来真正的元宇宙产品。 具有认知先发优势的出现。

(Real metacosmic products may take a few years, but it doesn't rule out making money now. Many meta universe courses on the market are just concept popularization, but the perspective of this course is to make money "now". Now we begin to contact the meta universe circle, get on the meta universe circle and create real meta universe products in the future. The emergence of cognitive first mover advantage.)


