我们接受selfand | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-18 184 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
对自己诚实是非常困难的,这意味着你完全接受你的整个自我,包括你软弱的、难以忍受的、自卑的和羞愧的自我。 人们很难处理负面情绪,因为人们天生就是自恋的。 因此,我们会本能地避免接受不完美的自己,而选择性地接受好的自己。 这样,我们接受的是一个分裂的、不完整的自我。 在我们是谁和我们真正是谁之间总是有一堵墙,切断了我们真正的情感和能量的流动。 所以,我们总有一种扭曲,整个人都是扭曲的,总觉得那里有心理障碍。

(Being honest with yourself is very difficult, which means that you fully accept your whole self, including your weak, unbearable, inferior and ashamed self. It's hard to deal with negative emotions because people are naturally narcissistic. Therefore, we will instinctively avoid accepting the imperfect self and selectively accept the good self. In this way, we accept a divided and incomplete self. There is always a wall between who we are and who we really are, cutting off the flow of our true emotions and energy. Therefore, we always have a distortion, the whole person is distorted, and we always feel that there are psychological obstacles there.)


