可以picturescanand | android开发 2022-11-20 79 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(This project is a very tough and ultimate graffiti drawing project, which can compete with some charging drawing projects in the market. The project acquiesces in compiling version 2.3.3 code GBK. The following are the functions implemented by the project. The types of pens that can be made include: 1.50 kinds of watercolor pen colors, 2.68 kinds of crayon colors, 3.52 kinds of pigment pen colors, and the following graphics can be made: 1. 11 kinds of graphics can be made (solid or hollow). 2. A color selector can be provided to set the transparency of the graphics color. 3. The graphics can be translated, expanded, shrunk, and rotated. Other: 1.46 background pictures, 2.3 kinds of erasers, and 3.12 kinds of seals can be cleared. 4. 144 maps can be expanded, shrunk, translated, and rotated, You can confirm, bring to front, flip horizontally, make to canvas and delete. 5. Add background pictures and textures by taking pictures and selecting from the phone's memory. 6. Text adding has not been done yet. undo and redo can only manage albums in two steps: 1. Realize picture preview and picture browser. 2. You can delete pictures, share pictures and edit pictures from scratch)


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