行业industryandresearch | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-17 245 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
新财富最佳分析师带领团队,教你一套好的行业研究分析框架和判断标准。 “学习+实践”模式,让你学会写新财富级别的行业研究报告,40+真实案例,涵盖腾讯、星巴克、好未来等众多公司和行业,适合0-年级从业者 3.在金融行业的课程,以及全面系统的行业研究学习,帮助您快速提升专业技能。

(The best analyst of new wealth leads the team and teaches you a set of good industry research and analysis framework and judgment criteria. The "Learning + practice" mode enables you to learn to write industry research reports of new wealth level, 40+ real cases, covering Tencent, Starbucks, tal and many other companies and industries, suitable for 0-year practitioners 3 Courses in the financial industry, as well as comprehensive and systematic industry research and learning, help you quickly improve your professional skills.)



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