纠正behavior训练行为 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-17 221 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
狗狗基本训练技巧纠正不良行为视频教程,共20节课,买了狗不知道怎么训练? 我该如何纠正我的狗的不良行为? 本教程的内容包括:训练狗狗在家不便便、狗狗连续吠叫控制方法、狗狗连续吠叫控制方法、狗狗跳跃行为矫正方法、如何唤回走狗、纠正狗狗随地取食的习惯。 ..等等,我们会教你如何纠正养狗过程中常见的狗狗问题,让你养出一只好狗!

(Dog basic training skills to correct bad behavior video tutorial, a total of 20 classes, bought a dog do not know how to train? How can I correct my dog's bad behavior? The contents of this tutorial include: training dogs to defecate at home, continuous barking control methods, continuous barking control methods, jumping behavior correction methods, how to call back running dogs, and correcting dogs' eating habits everywhere Wait, we will teach you how to correct the common dog problems in the process of raising dogs, so that you can have a good dog!)


