布莱克曼and防御心理 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-17 266 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
《心灵的面具:101 种心理防御》全面而引人入胜地确定了 101 种心理防御——有史以来最全面的汇编——为浩瀚的精神分析知识带来清晰和秩序。 30多年的临床和教学工作经验,以及自己的曲折亲身经历,让杰瑞姆·布莱克曼完成了这样一本具有教育意义和趣味性的书。 通过使用隐喻、例子和对话,布莱克曼博士使极其复杂的概念和内容变得平易近人。

(The mask of the mind: 101 psychological defences comprehensively and fascinating identifies 101 psychological defences - the most comprehensive compilation ever - to bring clarity and order to the vast knowledge of psychoanalysis. With more than 30 years of clinical and teaching experience and his own tortuous personal experience, Jeremy Blackman has completed such an educational and interesting book. By using metaphors, examples and dialogues, Dr. Blackman makes extremely complex concepts and content accessible.)


