颜色适合you好来 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-16 280 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
色彩与个性之间有着难以言喻的关系。 我们根据颜色偏好来判断别人的性格。 同样,我们也可以根据性格特点,寻找并确定适合自己的颜色。 这在家居设计中尤为明显。 家是一个非常私人的空间,只有最适合你的,才会带来你迫切需要的安全感和归属感。 那么在流行的家居色中,哪些颜色会适合你呢? 想知道的话就一起来看看吧!

(There is an unspeakable relationship between color and personality. We judge other people's personalities according to their color preferences. Similarly, we can also find and determine the color suitable for ourselves according to our personality characteristics. This is particularly evident in home design. Home is a very private space. Only what is most suitable for you will bring you the sense of security and belonging you urgently need. So in the popular home colors, which colors will suit you? If you want to know, let's have a look!)


