后期digitalprocessingpost | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-15 226 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
纵观拍摄和数码后期制作内容,名师讲解透彻,通俗易懂。 现在,无论你是拍摄人像还是风景照片,都会或多或少地进行数字后期处理。 一步到位的照片很少,数码后期处理已经成为现在照片的唯一方式。 一张好的画面只有在数码后期经过调光、电平、对比度等的调整,才能完美的展现在大众面前。 数码摄影的后期处理通过拍摄前的准备和后期操作、后期处理和后期应用三个部分进行了深入的讲解。 通过本课程的学习,学生可以从更高的高度对数码摄影的后期处理有一个全局的认识和思考。

(Throughout the shooting and digital post production content, the famous teacher explained thoroughly and easily understood. Now, whether you are shooting portraits or landscape photos, you will more or less carry out digital post-processing. There are few photos in one step, and digital post-processing has become the only way of photos. A good picture can be perfectly displayed in front of the public only after being adjusted by dimming, level and contrast in the later stage of digital. The post-processing of digital photography is explained in depth through three parts: pre shooting preparation and post operation, post-processing and post application. Through the study of this course, students can have an overall understanding and thinking of the post-processing of digital photography from a higher level.)


