theexpression讲座拍摄 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-14 195 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
拍摄时,可以从近景入手,由近到远调动其情绪。 因为特写不需要复杂的姿势,所以是最简单的。 对于日常照片,笑声是情感的最佳表达。 想要显得高级,也可以尝试用冷漠的表情来体现疏离感。 讲座还包括如何拍摄风景、静物等,内容全面,干货满满,特别适合初学者。

(When shooting, you can start from close range and mobilize their emotions from near to far. Because the close-up does not require complex posture, it is the simplest. For everyday photos, laughter is the best expression of emotion. If you want to appear advanced, you can also try to reflect the sense of alienation with an indifferent expression. The lecture also includes how to shoot scenery and still life. The content is comprehensive and full of dry goods. It is especially suitable for beginners.)


