并发concurrency源码the | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-12 218 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本课程深入讲解 JUC 并发库。 通过对openjdk和汇编源码的分析,为高并发程序开发的实践打下了坚实的基础。 包括全Java锁+JMM+volatile+CAS+AQS+全原子操作类+ThreadLocal+同步锁升级+StampedLock+并发综合实战CompletableFuture等,从使用到原理及源码深入讲解并发常用知识 分析,助你全面掌握高并发知识体系,为以后的开发工作提供详细的解决方案。

(This course explains the JUC concurrency Library in depth. Through the analysis of openjdk and assembly source code, it has laid a solid foundation for the practice of high concurrency program development. Including all Java lock + JMM + volatile + CAS + AQS + all atom operation class + ThreadLocal + synchronous lock upgrade + stampedlock + concurrency comprehensive actual combat completable future, etc. from use to principle and source code, we will deeply explain the common knowledge analysis of concurrency, help you fully master the high concurrency knowledge system and provide detailed solutions for future development work.)


