漏洞分析框架vulnerabilityPHP | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-12 197 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
主要讲解PHP框架的漏洞分析技术。 课程内容主要讲解市面上两个主流PHP框架ThinkPHP和Laravel的漏洞分析。 熟悉PHP框架内核的运行机制,了解PHP框架漏洞产生的过程。 本章深入讲解TP和Laravel的漏洞机制,让你快速启动框架的漏洞分析!

(It mainly explains the vulnerability analysis technology of PHP framework. The course mainly explains the vulnerability analysis of ThinkPHP and laravel, two mainstream PHP frameworks on the market. Be familiar with the operating mechanism of PHP framework kernel and understand the process of PHP framework vulnerabilities. This chapter deeply explains the vulnerability mechanism of TP and laravel, so that you can quickly start the vulnerability analysis of the framework!)



上一篇:常见PHP CMS漏洞分析