Linux开源thesystem | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-12 202 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
为什么Linux系统让这么多人想学,能有全球技术专家来维护,积极为Linux社区做贡献,其中之一就是众所周知的开源,开源软件有很多优势,大家都在用Linux 系统人会对开源感到兴奋,但除了开源 Linux 相比其他操作系统,稳定性强、bug 更少和修复更快、适合小内核程序的嵌入式系统、更安全的用户和文件权限策略,以及 很快。

(Why does the Linux system make so many people want to learn? It can be maintained by global technical experts and actively contribute to the Linux community. One of them is the well-known open source. Open source software has many advantages. Everyone is using the Linux system. People will be excited about open source, but in addition to the embedded system with strong stability, fewer bugs and faster repair, which is suitable for small kernel programs More secure user and file rights policies, and soon.)



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