Flink进阶部署and | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-11 227 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Flink 有一个非常重要的特性就是提供了很好的故障恢复能力,而这次 Flink 的性能有了很大的提升。 Flink 1.12 的新版本开启了又一波技术更新浪潮。 简单介绍了 Flink 进阶案例课程后,很快进入实际部署和高阶开发。 课程内容包括Flink安装部署、入门实践案例、Flink原理初步探索、流处理教学、Flink进阶API和Flink-Table-SQL-cases、Flink进阶特性和新特性、Flink多语言开发、Flink 监控和优化。

(A very important feature of Flink is that it provides good fault recovery capability, and the performance of Flink has been greatly improved this time. The new version of Flink 1.12 has opened another wave of technology updates. After a brief introduction to Flink advanced case course, we will soon enter the actual deployment and high-level development. The course contents include Flink installation and deployment, introductory practice cases, preliminary exploration of Flink principles, stream processing teaching, Flink advanced API and Flink table SQL cases, Flink advanced features and new features, Flink multilingual development, Flink monitoring and optimization.)



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