课程courses思科华为 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-10 216 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
网络工程师必须学习实用课程。 课程内容均为XCNP实践课程。 同学们之前学过XCIE课程,整合了思科CCIE和华为HCIE视频教程。 两门课程合二为一,既能比较,又能提高学习效果。 效率,非常好。 那么XCNP就很容易理解了。 由两门NP级课程CCNP和HCNP(HCIP)组成,让学生可以在NP中级水平快速整合思科和华为的网络技术,让学生工作更轻松。

(Network engineers must take practical courses. The course contents are xcnp practical courses. Students have studied xcie courses before, integrating Cisco CCIE and Huawei hcie video tutorials. The combination of the two courses can not only compare, but also improve the learning effect. Efficiency, very good. Then xcnp is easy to understand. Composed of two NP level courses CCNP and HCNP (hcip), students can quickly integrate Cisco and Huawei's network technology at the NP intermediate level, making students work easier.)


