课程Theoptimizationpractical | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-10 220 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
顶级厂商的架构师级JVM优化和GC调优策略实战课程,都是前沿技术的优化课程。 课程内容几乎不需要过多介绍。 光看目录,你就会发现它非常强大。 课程从思想和实际案例的角度出发,和同学们一样非常全面的讲解了JVM和GC调优的思想和策略。 对于实际的企业级应用有巨大的提升价值。

(The architect level JVM optimization and GC optimization strategy practical courses of top manufacturers are optimization courses of cutting-edge technologies. The course content hardly needs too much introduction. Just look at the directory and you'll find it very powerful. From the perspective of ideas and practical cases, the course explains the ideas and Strategies of JVM and GC tuning as comprehensively as the students. It has great promotion value for practical enterprise applications.)



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