Maven精通proficient私有 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-10 184 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
从初学者到精通Maven课程,这套课程涵盖了从项目为什么需要构建工具到项目仓库的私有服务器构建,涵盖Maven概述、Maven依赖管理、Maven生命周期管理、Maven常用命令、Maven集成Idea、nexus私有 服务器搭建等。是Maven初学者的必修课。 用通俗易懂的语言和简单的讲解带你走进Maven的世界,从入门到精通,精通Maven的使用。

(From beginners to proficient in Maven courses, this set of courses covers the construction of private servers from why the project needs to build tools to the project warehouse, including Maven overview, Maven dependency management, Maven life cycle management, Maven common commands, Maven integrated idea, nexus private server construction, etc. It's a compulsory course for Maven beginners. From being proficient in Maven's language to being proficient in the easy to understand world.)



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