电商the实战and | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-10 203 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本课程重点介绍电商项目DaMi.com的业务场景,基于微服务原理设计电商项目,使用Eureka、Feign、Hystrix、Ribbon、Zuul、Config等多种技术。 ,并基于虚拟化技术Docker+Jenkins实现程序自动发布、基于Mycat的第三方支付接入、整个项目的高并发测试等。本课程以实战为主,让学生独立完成网站 在实战过程中进行架构和项目开发,掌握实施方法和思路。

(This course focuses on the e-commerce project Dami Com business scenario, design e-commerce projects based on the principle of micro service, and use Eureka, feign, hystrix, ribbon, zuul, config and other technologies, And based on the virtualization technology docker + Jenkins to achieve automatic program release, MYCAT based third-party payment access, high concurrency testing of the whole project, etc. This course focuses on actual combat, allowing students to complete the website independently, carry out the structure and project development in the process of actual combat, and master the implementation methods and ideas.)


