底层the手写and | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-09 192 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
将Vue核心模块一一拆解,编写底层源码,拒绝纸上谈兵,给你一个自己的Vue框架! 本套教程将带你了解手写响应式数据系统底层、手写模板编译系统底层、手写虚拟DOM底层和diff算法... 一步到位,通俗易懂,图文并茂,深入浅出,用丰富的插图和实例来演示,重点讲解编程思路,真正让你提高编程背景,达到中高级前端标准。 教程兼顾了Vue2.0和3.0,重点讲解了两者的底层区别,力求让大家理解各个核心机制。

(Disassemble the Vue core modules one by one, write the underlying source code, refuse to talk on paper, and give you your own Vue framework! This set of tutorials will take you to understand the bottom of handwriting responsive data system, handwriting template compilation system, handwriting virtual Dom and diff algorithm In one step, it is easy to understand, illustrated and simple. It is demonstrated with rich illustrations and examples, focusing on the programming ideas, so that you can really improve the programming background and reach the medium and high-level front-end standards. The tutorial takes into account vue2 0 and 3.0, focusing on the underlying differences between the two, trying to make everyone understand each core mechanism.)



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