programming编程可以进行 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-09 192 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
C++是C语言的继承。 它既可以进行C语言的过程式编程,又可以进行以抽象数据类型为特征的基于对象的编程,也可以进行以继承和多态为特征的面向对象的编程。 设计。 C++擅长面向对象编程的同时,也可以进行基于进程的编程,所以C++可以适应问题的大小。 C++不仅具有高效计算机操作的实用特性,而且努力提高大型程序的编程质量和编程语言的问题描述能力。

(C + + is the inheritance of C language. It can carry out procedural programming of C language, object-based programming characterized by abstract data types, and object-oriented programming characterized by inheritance and polymorphism. Design. While C + + is good at object-oriented programming, it can also carry out process based programming, so c + + can adapt to the size of the problem. C + + not only has the practical characteristics of efficient computer operation, but also strives to improve the programming quality of large-scale programs and the problem description ability of programming language.)


