Python职中如果you | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-09 224 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
如果你是一名大学生,学习 Python 会让你在求职中脱颖而出。 如果你是上班族,还没有接触过Python,那么学习Python,转行做人工智能、大数据、运维工程师等都是你拿到高薪的必备条件! 如果你的工作需要处理数据,相信我,Python 绝对会成为你升职加薪的垫脚石。

(If you are a college student, learning Python will make you stand out in your job search. If you are an office worker and haven't been exposed to python, learning python, changing careers to artificial intelligence, big data, operation and maintenance engineers are all necessary conditions for you to get a high salary! If your job requires data processing, trust me, python will definitely become a stepping stone for your promotion and salary increase.)


