KotlindevelopmentAndroidlanguage | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-09 244 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Kotlin 于 2017 年被用作 Android 的一级开发语言,并于 2019 年被确立为 Android 的首选开发语言。近年来该语言的发展得到了前所未有的支持和关注。 Kotlin语言在一些大厂的后端开发岗位上也受到青睐,越来越多的后端岗位对Kotlin语言的掌握提出了新的要求和标准。 本课程基于Kotlin1.3.X版本,带你搭建Kotlin知识体系。 适应当前的市场需求,对于Android开发和后端开发工程师来说,增加求职权重是一个不错的选择。

(Kotlin was used as the first level development language of Android in 2017 and was established as the preferred development language of Android in 2019. In recent years, the development of the language has received unprecedented support and attention. Kotlin language is also favored in the back-end development posts of some large factories. More and more back-end Posts put forward new requirements and standards for the mastery of kotlin language. This course is based on kotlin1 Version 3. X takes you to build kotlin knowledge system. To meet the current market demand, increasing the job search weight is a good choice for Android development and back-end development engineers.)



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