theuniappdevelopment | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-08 232 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
作为一颗新星,跨端框架uni-app在不到两年的时间里迅速受到广大开发者的青睐和推崇。 得益于其“快”的颠覆性优势,可以省下7组代码。 本课程由uni-app开发者团队成员授课,带领大家无障碍快速掌握完整的uni-app跨端应用流程。 并搭配最好的生态工具HBuilderX和uniiCloud,体验高效的全栈开发。 此外,讲师全程教授当前主流开发理念——敏捷开发理念和技能,带你时刻走在技术前沿。

(As a new star, the cross end framework uni app has been rapidly favored and respected by the majority of developers in less than two years. Thanks to its subversive advantage of "fast", 7 groups of codes can be saved. This course is taught by members of the uni app developer team to lead you to quickly master the complete cross-end application process of uni app without obstacles. And with the best ecological tools hbuilderx and uniicloud, experience efficient full stack development. In addition, the lecturer will teach the current mainstream development concept - agile development concept and skills, and take you to the forefront of technology all the time.)


