机器the学习and | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-08 195 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
人工智能很火,机器学习很火,很多同学想学,却不知道从何下手? 网上教程很多,只是学模型,用框架,绕来绕去,看不懂底层原理? 机器学习算法推理,大量公式和高等数学让人崩溃,一不小心从入门到放弃? 这套课程从零开始,讲解了人工智能的所有核心基础。 为期 4 天的课程让您掌握机器学习、线性代数、微积分和概率论。 完成课程后,您可以自己推导损失函数,实现梯度下降,编写神经网络。 、操控无人驾驶、完整的手写识别……附全套课件资料!

(Artificial intelligence is very popular, and machine learning is very popular. Many students want to learn, but they don't know where to start? There are many online tutorials. They just learn models, use frames, and go around. Can't you understand the underlying principles? Machine learning, algorithmic reasoning, a large number of formulas and advanced mathematics make people collapse, accidentally from getting started to giving up? This course starts from scratch and explains all the core foundations of artificial intelligence. The 4-day course will enable you to master machine learning, linear algebra, calculus and probability theory. After completing the course, you can deduce the loss function, realize the gradient descent, and write the neural network Driverless control, complete handwriting recognition... With a full set of courseware materials!)



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