语言language堪比python | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-08 203 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Go语言由谷歌开发,于2009年开源。与Java/python/c等语言相比,Go尤其擅长并发编程,性能堪比C语言,开发效率堪比Python。 被誉为“21世纪的C语言”。 “。Go语言广泛应用于云计算、大数据、微服务、高并发等领域。BAT公司正在将Go作为新项目开发的首选语言。本课程专为在职人员设计。 课程内容丰富、紧凑、贴近企业实战!

(The go language was developed by Google and opened source in 2009. Compared with Java / Python / C and other languages, go is especially good at concurrent programming, with performance comparable to C language and development efficiency comparable to python. It is known as "C language in the 21st century". "Go language is widely used in cloud computing, big data, micro services, high concurrency and other fields. Bat is taking go as the preferred language for new project development. This course is designed for on-the-job personnel. The course is rich in content, compact and close to enterprise practice!)

