computers编程计算机基础 | 其它视频/教程 2022-04-08 186 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本课程专为计算机 0 基础的学生而设计。 如果你现在想学编程,但从来没有接触过电脑,或者用电脑看新闻、聊天、玩游戏。 那么这门课程非常适合你。 它将从计算机的发展开始,然后深入讲解一些你上网时不知道的基本内容。 它还将解释一些作为程序员需要精通的软件。 让我们在学习编程之前打好基础,这才是真正的小白的福音。

(This course is designed for computer 0 based students. If you want to learn programming now, but have never been in contact with computers, or use computers to watch news, chat and play games. Then this course is very suitable for you. It will start with the development of computers, and then explain some basic contents you don't know when you surf the Internet. It will also explain some software that a programmer needs to be proficient in. Let's lay a good foundation before learning programming, which is the real gospel of Xiaobai.)

