you设计积累如果 | 软件工程 2022-04-07 216 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
在面试过程中,你经常会遇到一些你没有准备好的问题。 如果平时不去学习积累,这个时候你基本就无所适从了。 如果你有不断的思考和积累,你可以把问题转化为:如果让你设计这个功能,你会怎么设计? 当你积累足够多的时候,你可以很容易地拥有自己的一套设计。 因为大部分优秀工具框架的底层设计思路都是一样的,所以大家都喜欢用优秀的东西。 只要我们朝那个方向思考,我们很可能会给出类似的解决方案。

(During the interview, you often encounter some questions you are not prepared for. If you don't study and accumulate at ordinary times, you basically don't know what to do at this time. If you have continuous thinking and accumulation, you can turn the question into: if you were asked to design this function, how would you design it? When you accumulate enough, you can easily have your own set of designs. Because the bottom design ideas of most excellent tool frameworks are the same, everyone likes to use excellent things. As long as we think in that direction, we are likely to give similar solutions.)

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