alibabaSpringCloudarchitecturemicroservice | 软件工程 2022-04-07 237 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
史上最简单最全面的微服务架构,8年以上开发和大数据开发经验,精通Redis,MYSQL优化,Springcloud-alibaba微服务架构,大数据Hadoop,Spark,Flink,kafka,Hive,Hbase框架, 等等。


1. 对微服务架构的深刻理解。



(The simplest and most comprehensive microservice architecture in history, with more than 8 years of development and big data development experience, proficient in redis, MySQL optimization, springcloud Alibaba microservice architecture, big data Hadoop, spark, Flink, Kafka, hive, HBase framework, etc.Through the study of this set of courses, you will get:1. Deep understanding of microservice architecture.2. Proficient in the working principle and use of various components of spring cloud Alibaba.3. Hang up the interviewer and get a high paying offer.)

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