优化OOM调试问题 | android开发 2022-11-09 66 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Well, let's just say that you have or often encounter problems with OOM, right? Many of these problems just need to be presented. I believe that everyone's idea is the same as Xiaoma's, and it is their own use: optimize, optimize, and optimize again! In addition, if there are problems at the level of OOM, it is not easy to manage. The information displayed in the LogCat log is only OOM, and it does not give you tips on how to manage. Because the reason for OOM is that you use it, not a system problem! It should be considered that it is more direct to find the place for demand optimization before optimization, and then conduct optimization operations?  )


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