the播放游戏game | Unity3D 2022-11-09 102 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(When playing the game, students should find that there are two ways to play music in the game, and the general setting options will clearly indicate setting game music and setting game sound effects. Objectively analyze the music of these two methods. Only one game background music will be played together, that is, the two background music will not be played together. The next one will be played unless one song is played or the scene is switched. The sound effects of the game, such as the sound of the hero and the enemy waving weapons, are
These sounds are short and play frequently. It is likely that the game sound effects will be played together. This document includes the following annexes:)


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