The标签TabHOST | android开发 2022-11-08 80 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(The use of Android Tab is based on Android programs. Tab window is a common UI interface element. Its implementation mainly uses the TabH/OST class. ABCDTabH/OST indicates that TabH/OST is a container for label windows. A TabH/OST object includes two sub element objects: one is a collection of tab tags (TabWidgets) that users click to select a specific tag; The other is the FrameLayout object, which displays the content of the current page. The child element is usually controlled by the container object, rather than directly setting the value of the child element. The following describes the use of TabH/OST in combination with the analogy in ApiDemos. This document includes the following annexes:)

