the内存imageBitmap | android开发 2022-11-07 67 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Android camera photography, photo album selection, direct display and screenshot display, manage the memory overflow problem caused by Bitmap, part of the source code implementation process notes explain: the pictures saved locally are taken out and shrunk to display on the interface. Since Bitmap memory takes up a large amount, the memory needs to be recovered here, otherwise an outofmemory exception will be reported, the managed pictures will be displayed on the interface, and saved to the local Use the ContentProvider to obtain the original image through the URI. In order to avoid memory overflow caused by the excessive size of the original image, first reduce the original image display, then release the memory occupied by the original Bitmap, release the memory occupied by the original image, avoid the abnormal outofmemory, and specify the photo storage method (SD card), image Jpg is a temporary file, and the image will be replaced after each photography... This document includes the following attachments:)

