(Five different Android Toast effects have been defined. If you are unfamiliar with Toast usage, download it and have a look. I think this is the most basic reference code. The code defines the tacit Toast display, as well as the long-term and fully customized Toast display with pictures. The following is the code definition part: privatestatfinalStringTOASTBTN_ 1=This is the tacit Toast display; privatestaticfinalStringTOASTBTN_ 2=This is Toast display of custom orientation; privatestaticfinalStringTOASTBTN_ 3=This is Toast display with pictures; privatestaticfinalStringTOASTBTN_ 4=This is a fully customized Toast display; privatestaticfinalStringTOASTBTN_ 5=This is a long-term Toast display; This document includes the following annexes:)